Who We Are
Behind every young artist stepping into the spotlight, there’s a supportive crew. At Silver Creek, the “A Wing Kids”—the creatives and independent thinkers—are not just performers; they're tomorrow's innovators, learning to express themselves through performing arts.
Enter SCOPA - Silver Creek Organization for Performing Arts - the parent-led backstage force that raises funds to support performance costs and helps to create unforgettable experiences for these incredible young artists.
To help these artists shine, we need YOU! Whether you’re a performer, a supportive parent, or a fellow student, you’re already part of this community. Together, we’re not just supporting performances - we’re fuelling a movement!
2024-25 Board Officers:
President: Scott Dunn
Treasurer: Julie Sigman
Secretary: Heather Goodchild
VP/ Communications: Lisa Bobby
Bingo Director: Julia Rush
2024-2025 Meeting Schedule:
Meetings are held in the Silver Creek Choir Room. All interested parents and students are welcome!
Stay tuned for our first meeting date!